Saturday, July 25, 2009

Another rant

I fucking hate being judged. I hate having my religious views, parenting practices, and just general life choices shit on. I am sick and tired of making an effort with people, who, frankly don't deserve it. I'm tired of putting my emotions on the line for piece of shit people who can't put their issues aside enough to have an adult relationship.I think it's time for people to stop hiding behind their religious views and step forward and own who they are. If you're a piece of shit, admit it! I admit that I am a complete bitch sometimes (okay, a lot more than that). I admit that I like gossip (not about me, lol). I admit that I look down on people sometimes for the way that they parent and the way that they believe. Do I shove my views in their face? No. I'm not out to change the world. I'm not so arrogant to believe that the way that I do things is the end all. I'm not a perfect parent and I'm certainly not a perfect person (ask my husband ;-)), but I try with all my might to accept people for who they are and love them for that. I try not to live my life in fear and be who I am, imperfections and all. I try to own my choices as a person and as a parent. Do I make mistakes? ALL THE FUCKING TIME!Do you know how I look at it? It's all part of the process. You make mistake, you apologize, you learn, and you move on. I don't try to hold grudges, but again, I'm human and it happens, however, simply because I have moved on does not mean that I need you in my life.

Isn't religion and ignorance what prompted the great atrocities in the world?? The Salem Witch Trials, the Crucifixions, the suicide bombings, the bombings in Ireland, the motherfucking Holocaust?? I realize that these are extreme examples, but the conviction behind these acts is the conviction I see today. I don't believe in turning the other cheek. That idea breeds nothing but mindless, herd following morons who accept everything that they're told without seeking knowledge of their own. That, my friends, is why these atrocities continued as long as they did and why they had so many followers. Blind ignorance. I, instead, look at it this way, you're cool to me, I'm cool to you, you're an ass to me, well, then, it's a fucking free for all. I choose to associate with free-thinkers. I don't care what race, RELIGION you are, what your sexual preference is, what your economic status is, as long as we can sit down, look eachother in the eye and discuss, share, and grow together as people. I love learning from others. You have some info on something that I haven't considered? Sweet, bring it on.

I am not here to make anyone but me and my immediate family happy. My life is for them.

When are we, as a species going to grow up and realize that we are doing nothing but destroying ouselves?

Monday, July 20, 2009

I hate people.......... sometimes

Okay, so this is my official first blog. I've sold out. I couldn't resist. Tonight (this morning?) I would just like to say that I hate people. I hate the way they judge, I hate the way they look at you, and I absolutely hate the way they treat other people. I have so much angst against the human race in general. BUT, at the same time, I love people. (It's a conundrum, I know, stick with me). I love the way they move, the way they talk, the way they gesture. I could spend hours just sitting and observing. You learn so much just from watching. You can tell how a person feels about another, their family (or group) dynamics, and how they feel about themselves. I have angst, but I also have compassion. I hate seeing a person walking down the street with their head down and shoulders slumped. I want to reach out and hug them and tell them "It's okay, you are beautiful, now lift up your fucking head and meet the world". I want to reach out and wrap them in my motherly instincts. But I don't. And you know why? Because, I watch. I watch them as they put down the next person they meet just to make themselves feel better. I watch as they kick a puppy (I've never actually seen it, okay? It's just an example.) I watch as one religion works to suppress another, as one race works against another (for shit's sake, it's just skin). I guess when it comes down to it, I love people....... from a distance. And hate them up close.