Sunday, January 16, 2011

Back to the ranting and away from the emotions.............

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein

In reading my previous posts, I realize that they all have the same theme. Family dynamics. Most importantly, the lack of family dynamics in my life right now. I'd like to move away from that drama for now.

What I'd really like to talk about is relgion. I don't get it. I understand the appeal of a higher being being responsible for everything in the world. It makes it easier to blame said deity than to actually evaluate human behavior. Humans are complex. And often they are cruel and disgusting. Its easier to say that God, Allah, or whoever you subscribe to, is responsible for the Holocaust, instead of assigning the blame where it really belongs: fear and human nature. Fear is all it took for one man to single handedly manufacture one of the greatest atrocities of our time. But, when we look at religion, where is the difference? Fear leads people to obey a god who will punish you if you don't behave in an exact way.

And I'm not saying that religion is all bad, just mostly. Self accountability shouldn't be dependent on someone or something else. It should always come from you. I find it ironic that murderers, child/wife beaters, and just plain shitty people derive justice for their actions from their deities. Isn't that the opposite of religious teachings?

Reason is what I subscribe to. And reason and logic leave little room for religion. Reasonably and logically speaking, religion is infantile. It tells you what to do, what not to do, how to believe and it controls every aspect of your life. It removes the parts of you that once thought for yourself. It creates conflict and turmoil and yes, drama, where there just doesn't need to be any. It brainwashes you and turns you to what they teach. Hate is at the center of most religions. Although it is disguised as "love". How can you love your neighbor when you spend all of your time judging their lives? How can you embrace your fellow human when you spend all your time hating what they are about?

Religion teaches us to conform. It teaches us that if we are different from others, we are wrong and we are going to hell. Freethinking is discouraged and in this way, we become mindless... well... zombies to put it into perspective. Our way of life is replaced by someone else's version of what is right and ridiculous stories that any sane person would discount become "gospel". And no, I will never believe that a man lived inside a "giant fish" or whale's stomach and survived. Where the hell is the logic in that? And Noah... how big was that ark and how did he gather all of those animals? The bible isn't even written by first hand account, it's seconds and thirds.

It takes a lot more to convince this skeptic. I am not a conformist. I fight against the norms. And I'm happy to be.

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